Aims & Objectives

The teacher is a builder of the nation. It is his prime duty to inculcate high moral values in the children. To sustain such image, teachers need to attain excellence in identified values, qualities, competencies and skills considered essential for the teaching profession. The transmission of knowledge and values takes place not only through words but also through action, behavior, conduct and character of the teacher.
To achieve this target this college is having following objectives :-

  • To inculcate the intrinsic and extrinsic values of professional competency, professional commitment and professional ethics among prospective teachers.
  • To promote capabilities for inculcating Indian values and goals as enshrined in the constitution of India.
  • To develop excellence in teaching methods and preparing learning aids for children through action research.
  • To empower teachers to cultivate rational thinking and scientific temper among students.
  • To develop alternative approaches to acquire higher level of excellence and proficiency in day to day work in class room, in the school and outside.
  • To develop internal commitment towards nobility of the profession and remain always occupied with thoughts of children, their growth, individually as well as collectively.
  • To feel that teaching is one of the noblest profession and to maintain strong desire for professional development.
  • To identify and prepare tools of individual and group leaning and to understand the new information technology to weave it to transactional strategies.
  • To develop skills of organizing and conducting the co-curricular and educational activities for wholesome development of the learners.
  • To make them enable to use media, innovative teaching aids and appropriate instructional technologies.
  • To inculcate a sense of value judgement, value commitment and value transmission.
  • Education can be used as an agent of basic change in the status of women and our institution is only for women, so the wider aim of the institution is to develop a sense of equality, identity and self esteem among women and enable them to participate in decision making.
  • To emancipated women from traditional socio-cultural rigidities and empower women to take control of their own lives.
  • To make them self dependent and economically contributory member of the society.
  • To enlighten the women that men and women are equal in their abilities potentialities.
  • Mother is the first teacher of the child, she links the new generation with the old values and norms and there by provides stability and continuity to the social structure. So the future mothers shall be trained in such a manner that they can develop the physical, mental and emotional powers of the child, in a perfect balance.